Insight(Page 3)

[columnsection wrapper=”wrapper-small” layout=”one-full” swap=”0″ spacing=”spaced-normal” animation=”no-anim” colalign=”top” class=”” id=””][col size=”one-full” last=”last-col”] Topic: Client relations, keeping projects on time, & preventing scope creep [/col][/columnsection][sr-spacer size=”medium” hide=”0″][columnsection wrapper=”wrapper-mini

[columnsection wrapper=”wrapper-small” layout=”one-half;one-half” swap=”0″ spacing=”spaced-normal” animation=”no-anim” colalign=”top” class=”” id=””][col size=”one-half” last=””] What A Style Guide Can Do For Your Brand Your brand style guide communicates your company’s design standards to your whole group. Having this document to reference for expected standards will