Virtual Discussion With Girls Inc. Eureka!
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Eureka! is an intensive, five-year STEM-based program that builds Dallas girls’ confidence and skills through hands-on opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math.
Utilizing a “whole girl” approach, the program also includes sports and physical fitness, personal development, and college and career readiness. In addition to the summer component, during the school year there are monthly events, activities and field trips.
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Discussion with Cimone Key, a woman in STEM
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May 21, 2022
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Cimone Key is invited for an intimate discussion with Girls Inc, Eureka program
Cimone will talk about what she does, how she got started, and her business. She will be fully transparent on what it takes to be in the STEM industry and why it is crucial for minority women and little girls to make a career in STEM.